Under the name Twee Kranen (Two Cranes), we are working on a mixed-use project that will align well with the needs of the local community.
Valuable for the community
To breathe new life into the site, Revive and Hexagon decided to join forces and establish a new project company: Twee Kranen, named after the two iconic cranes on the Van Laere site. The aim of this company is to develop a mixed economic program that balances tailored business development with neighborhood-supporting functions. The master plan is being developed by architectural firm B2Ai.
“Today, it’s essential for developers not only to focus on financial value but also to create value for people and the environment,” explains Revive founder Nicolas Bearelle. “Our team is fully committed to societal and ecological objectives, with our B Corp certification being the best proof of that commitment. This mindset will be evident throughout the entire trajectory of this joint venture in Zwijndrecht.”
Our societal and ecological objectives will be tangible throughout the entire trajectory of this joint venture in Zwijndrecht.
Site with a history
The industrial area, covering 7.2 hectares, is a unique and strategic location on the Antwerpsesteenweg in Zwijndrecht, along the service road of the new Oosterweel connection. For decades, it was home to the construction company Van Laere. The site is a distinctive landmark for locals and passersby, thanks to its neon lights and the two large yellow cranes.
Van Laere acquired the site in the 1950s and established facilities including a metal construction assembly department, a concrete plant, and office buildings. Last year, Van Laere moved to a new office on the Baarbeek business park, leaving only a few functions still housed on the old site.
Within about three years, these remaining activities, as well as those of third parties temporarily using the space, will be relocated, fully freeing up the site for redevelopment. This shift opened up the opportunity to explore new uses for the site, aligned with the needs of the municipality of Zwijndrecht and the surrounding region.
With our participation in the Twee Kranen project company, we aim to develop an innovative and dynamic space that will serve as a stimulus for both the site and the surrounding area.
Conversion is essential
To fully understand the needs of the community, an extensive study will be conducted. Additionally, a brownfield covenant has been applied for—a program established by the Flemish government to encourage the redevelopment of underutilized brownfields in collaboration with all relevant authorities.
“The pressing shortage of available space underscores the added value of this redevelopment,” says Hexagon director Jelle Vandendriessche. “With our participation in the Twee Kranen project company, we aim to create an innovative and dynamic space in Zwijndrecht, boosting both the site and the surrounding area.”